Addressing Sustainability – One step at a time.

Posted by FP Transitions on Feb 8, 2022 8:55:24 AM

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Topics: Continuity Planning, Webcasts, Multi-Generational Ownership, Organizational Structure, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, Business Value, Client Success, Sustainability, Client Relationships, Business Operations

KPIs. What are Key Performance Indicators, and how do you Leverage them?

Posted by FP Transitions on Nov 29, 2021 7:47:00 AM

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KPIs, or Key Performance Indicators

During a recent webinar hosted by FP Transitions, several attendees had questions about KPIs. Marcus Hagood Director of  Equity Management Solutions®at FP Transitions, and Mike McKennon, EMS™ Consultant at FPT, had previously hosted a webinar on KPIs, and many of those key points are featured in the following post.

Knowing the KPIs

The industry is flush with discussions of KPIs. Surely, you’ve heard the term before, or perhaps seen these indexes described as performance metrics, key variables or key success indicators. At FP Transitions, we use the term Key Performance Indicator; but ultimately, the data these terms convey is the same. KPIs are a unit of measurement leveraged to help you determine where your business is at, where you want to go, and will ultimately provide you with a road map of how you should proceed on your journey.

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Topics: Webcasts, Business Growth, Tip of the Week, Deal Structure, State of the Market, Sustainability, Benchmarking, Valuation & Appraisal, Business Operations

Compliance, Acquisition, & Value : A Special Roundtable Talk Series with Bates Group

Posted by FP Transitions on Sep 7, 2017 8:36:01 AM

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Compliance is a “have to” in the financial services industry. Advisory firms are required to have a compliance officer or a designated third-party compliance administrator, either of which must meet specific qualifications. Doing only as much as is required, however, still leaves you open to the risk of regulatory issues and scrutiny that you’re not prepared for.

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Topics: Webcasts, Roundtable Talks, Regulatory, Compliance

INTRODUCING Roundtable Talks – A New Video Series

Posted by FP Transitions on Mar 31, 2017 8:06:49 AM

Introducing our new web series: Roundtable Talks. We’ll feature FP experts–along with some guests–sharing their opinions on what’s going on in the financial services industry.

Real experts, real opinions, no script.

Our first episode centers around the DOL Fiduciary Rule, SEC Business Continuity Amendments, & other recent regulatory concerns. Marcus Hagood and Douglas Kreft share their thoughts on the regulations themselves as well as the potential impact on the industry. Watch the preview below.

This series is an exclusive benefit to our EMS members. Not an EMSMember? Click here to learn more about the program and its benefits, including annual Valuation, Continuity, and Benchmarking Reports plus a library of resources only available as part of the Equity Management Solutions®.

What do you want to hear about? Click here to submit topic suggestions for future Roundtable Talks, blogs and resources to our Content and Resource Team.



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Topics: Webcasts, DOL, SEC, Roundtable Talks, Regulatory

Succession and The Family Business [VIDEO]

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 17, 2017 12:52:19 PM

It’s been a while since “keeping it in the family,” assumed your literal family. Yet, many advisors approach succession with pride when they have the opportunity to pass their advisory legacy to a son, daughter, niece, cousin, or other relative.

Choosing a successor who is a part of your blood family doesn’t mean the succession process becomes 10 times easier; it doesn’t mean you just hand over the keys one day with a, “See ya later, kid. Don’t burn the place down.” It requires the same careful planning and communication to ensure ownership of the business ends up in the right hands.

Tom and Paul Morrone of US Wealth Management in North Haven, Connecticut have always been a close father / son unit, but that didn’t automatically mean that Paul would step into his father’s shoes one day. Instead, he forged his own path before recognizing the business and the life his father had built was exactly what he was striving for. And still, ownership wasn’t just handed to him.

Tom insisted that Paul EARN ownership, and together they sought help for the succession process. It wasn’t a matter of trust. It was a matter of making sure they hadn’t missed any detail, and that they had the most beneficial path for both of them.

Below, watch the Morrones put their journey in their own words.



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Topics: Succession Planning, Acquisition, Webcasts, Business Growth, Testimonial, Client Success, Family Business, Next Generation

Client Success Story : The Growth Machine [VIDEO]

Posted by FP Transitions on Oct 5, 2016 8:03:41 AM

In the M&A space for the financial services industry, everyone wants to acquire. Few advisors, however, take the time to sit back and think about what they want from the acquisition: what kinds of clients and assets would complement the existing business, what new staff and advisors are required to run a larger book of business, and what will the new business look like post transition.

In our experience, the advisors who are most strategic are the most successful.

Michael Lutz of Legacy Financial Strategies in Overland Park, KS understood that acquisition was a viable and smart path for growing his business. He wasn’t just looking to gobble up as many practices as he could, however, because he also understood that if he chose his targets strategically, he could not only grow his business but he could ensure its legacy by using acquisition as a vehicle to recruit Generation Two talent to his firm.

Using FP Transitions Enterprise Consulting to develop and execute his internal succession plans, Michael offered equity, and with it a modicum of control, to recruit smaller advisors with existing books–and new advisors without–to Legacy Financial Strategies and created his “growth machine”. These mergers and additions increased the value of what they all now own and are committed to continue building.

With the right strategy, instead of just acquiring clients and assets, a “growth machine” is created, and the foundation for future growth is built with succession through acquisition.

Watch Michael’s story below.

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Topics: Succession Planning, Acquisition, Webcasts, Business Growth, Testimonial, Client Success, Next Generation

Succession Success Story [VIDEO]

Posted by FP Transitions on Apr 20, 2016 11:00:00 AM

FP Transitions client Greg Hoffman found the best match for his business, Hoffman Financial Resources, when he added Ross Lawrence to his team 5 years ago. Ross shared Greg’s commitment to the community and passion for helping the people of Nevada, MO make educated financial decisions.

Three years later they embarked on their succession planning journey with FP Transitions. Valuation in hand and succession options laid out, Ross and Greg chose the accelerated path with the help of bank financing.

Five years after joining the Hoffman Financial Reources team, Ross took over full ownership and Greg moved into his role as mentor, free to enjoy the life he’s earned after 30 years of financial advising.

Don’t just take our word for it. Watch Ross and Greg’s story below.

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Topics: Succession Planning, Webcasts, Testimonial, Client Success

[FP WEBCAST] Organizational Structures

Posted by FP Transitions on Feb 29, 2016 1:00:00 PM
When a single advisor with a single book of business reaches a certain level of complexity it makes sense to move it into an entity; an entity with a structure that will support business evolution and growth.

Unfortunately, as businesses evolve from single advisor, single book to a more established entity they tend to move into a structure that leads to value that is attached to individual client books within a business rather than to the business itself. This is because, as practices grow and add more advisors, they are onboarded using revenue splitting agreements keeping the books siloed. And, as Brad Says, “If your books are siloed, you’re not a firm – you’re essentially just roommates sharing paper.”

The key to avoiding this is to set up an organizational structure that is an actual business unit instead of just an accounting conduit.

Our new webcast explores different ensembles, and how an improper organizational structure can be dangerous for the ongoing growth and value of your business. We’ll also discuss structures that will ensure your value is tied to your business as a whole and will promote the longevity and sustainability of your firm.
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Topics: Webcasts, Equity, Organizational Structure, Enterprise Strength, Revenue Sharing, Entity Structure

[FP WEBCAST] Enterprise Strength vs. Revenue Strength

Posted by FP Transitions on Nov 11, 2015 1:00:00 PM
Revenue Strength: the cash flow, expenses, and assets of your business.

Enterprise Strength: the infrastructure that supports revenue growth.

Can a business really thrive with just one? In short, no. Each supports the other and together they drive your business to maximum value. In our new webcast, Christine Sjolin takes a look at how enterprise strength and revenue strength differ, and how they work together to open up your choices for future business growth and exit planning.

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Topics: Webcasts, Equity, Revenue Strength, Enterprise Strength

[FP WEBCAST] Lifestyle Succession Plan

Posted by FP Transitions on Apr 16, 2015 9:55:00 AM

Where do you want to be in 5 years, 10 years, maybe 15? Many advisors begin the planning process too late. In our lastest FP Webcast, President and Founder, David Grau Sr., talks about how to execute a proper succession plan. From thinking realistically about your time to harnessing second-generation talent, David walks you through the benefits and logistics of starting early.

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Topics: Compensation, Succession Planning, Webcasts, Equity