Protecting Business Value and Advisor Tenure WITHOUT Non-Competes: A Look at the FTC Ruling

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 10, 2024 6:41:14 PM


In late April, the Federal Trade Commission voted to finalize their Non-Compete Rule which prohibits the inclusion or enforcement of non-compete clauses in employment agreements in the United States. The rule is currently set to go into effect on September 4, 2024, but is the subject of active litigation which may delay or stop it from going into effect. The FTC’s Non-Compete ban applies to most employer-employee business relationships (with limited exceptions), but how will it affect wealth management and financial services businesses like yours? How will it impact your ability to protect the assets and value of your business if and when team members decide to leave the firm?

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Topics: Industry News, Client Retention, Talent Recruitment, Building Your Team, Equity Pathways, Client Relationships, Client Experience

What You Need to Know About the New FTC Non-Compete Ban

Posted by FP Transitions on Jul 10, 2024 6:10:16 PM


In late April, the FTC voted to finalize and promulgate their Non-Compete Rule which prohibits the inclusion or enforcement of non-compete clauses in most employment agreements. Industry experts from FP Transitions and Key Bridge Compliance sat down this week to discuss the details of the Rule, the level of concern business owners in the industry should have, and which other means advisory owners have to protect their business. You can listen to the full discussion here.

Below are essentials that you need to know about the FTC’s Rule.

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Topics: Industry News, Client Retention, Talent Recruitment, Building Your Team, Equity Pathways, Client Relationships, Client Experience

Considering Key Stakeholders

Posted by FP Transitions on May 8, 2024 9:10:51 AM

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Finding the right transaction partner, and executing a potentially complicated and emotional transition, can attract most of the consideration in an M&A deal. It’s important to also look beyond the immediate stakeholders–you, your ownership team, and your transition partners–to a few other groups who will be greatly impacted by the change: your family, your team, and your clients.

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Topics: Selling Your Practice, Acquisition, M&A, Deal Structure, Buying & Selling, Client Experience

(Tech) Stacked for Growth

Posted by FP Transitions on Jan 12, 2023 10:12:00 AM

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Growth can be enabled – or hindered – by your technology. And not only that, but it can also seriously erode your profit margin if it costs you clients, requires constant fixing, or slows down cross-department collaboration. But here’s the thing: NOT using tech is the bigger mistake you can make. With so many best-in-class solutions on the market (and more appearing everyday), certainly having something is almost guaranteed to be better than nothing…right? Let’s explore your best tech investments that enable revenue growth in 2023.

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Topics: Business Growth, Industry News, Next Generation, Compliance, Client Retention, Wealth Management, Trends, Branding, Tech, marketing, Client Experience