5 Compliance Mistakes You're Probably Making

1. Neglecting Internal Compliance Audits
If you wait until you’re faced with a regulatory audit to look at your policies and operating procedures, you’ve waited too long. By reviewing the business periodically, you’ll not only be able to head off potential issues before they arise, but you’ll be prepared for any observations a regulator could make during a compliance audit. In addition to the security in knowing everything is running smoothly and within regulation, you’ll also be able to confidently answer any questions a regulator or outside party might have about your business.
2. Not Connecting the Dots
Detecting and preventing regulatory issues is often a matter of drawing connections between seemingly small occurrences, that in reality could indicate a larger issue. In the roundtable discussion, David relates this process of observations and detection to looking for smoke in order to find and prevent the fire. A layoff here, a complaint there, or a missing document way back there may all seem benign, but depending on the details of each one, they could add up to a regulatory misstep, or worse. If you don’t devote the time to properly analyze the events of your business, you could end up blindsided and unprepared to face a regulatory officer or a prospective buyer.
3. Using "Off-the-Shelf" Policy and Procedure Templates
As a full-time advisor and a part-time compliance officer, the limited time spent on compliance is likely not sufficient. All the customized compliance policies may not be high on your list of priorities now, but as your business grows, you’re apt to simply run out of time to sit and develop policies and procedures that will fit your ever changing business, staff, and operations; let alone the ever changing regulations. Imagine how much smoother things would be if your procedures were constantly updated in your ever changing practice. Spending time keeping up with non-applicable steps or antiquated methods laid out by a generic template lead to wasted time and energy – time that could otherwise be devoted to client service, growth strategies, or fewer hours in the office.
4. Ignoring the Connection Between Compliance and Business Value
If you’re preparing to sell your business (either externally to a third party or internally to key staff members), having strong compliance and appropriate operating procedures will secure your value and asking price. Compliance is one of those often overlooked value factors that can reduce value if red flags arise during due diligence. Buyers or investors are less likely to make an investment that will require extra work to straighten out, or that presents a high risk of litigation or regulatory concerns.5. Doing it Yourself
As a business owner, you likely don’t have the time or the in-depth knowledge of regulations to fully handle compliance effectively. This makes it impossible to provide maximum protection for your business. In fact, you shouldn’t spend that time – you’re an advisor, and your focus SHOULD be on your clients. There are a couple of ways to solve this problem: you could hire a full-time compliance officer or team; or you can enlist a third-party firm that specializes in compliance management.